Friday, January 22, 2010

Birds & Marathons...

After Pelicanus’ clumsy accident last week, I think I should consider building a gym in my kingdom! The poor bird needs it.

He entered into the Annual Vaal Marathon, and I have been forced to join him for moral support. We both jog around mi casa’s grounds in the morning, but I doubt this will be enough preparation for the marathon’s grueling 45km! I guess we'll end up flying half of the way!

If you’d like to challenge Pelicanus and myself in the Vaal Marathon – call Nadia Coen at 082 496 0007.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

...sticky situation

You won’t believe what happened to Pelicanus this week!
Time and time again I have been warning him - ever so tactfully - that his ever-increasing girth was bound to get him in trouble sometime, but he paid no heed to my sincere words of advice. Wednesday morning, the unavoidable happened.
Pelicanus was soaring up in the sky, dreamily planning another beautiful Vaalnest wedding, only occasionally flapping his wings – CRASH! BOOM! BANG! He flew straight into a tree.
I imagine he must have closed his eyes (although he insists that it jumped right in front of him, out of nowhere), and started descending without noticing. This wouldn’t have been a big problem if Pelicanus was a skinny bloke – he would have got off with only minor bruises, but somehow he managed to get himself wedged between a fork in the branches. There he was – stuck – unable to move forward or backward, screeching words that I dare not repeat in polite company.
After a lot of lube, a chainsaw (this caused Pelicanus to describe someone’s mother in a very unflattering style), and assistance from the Fire Department, we eventually got Pelicanus out of his sticky situation. He has since vowed to lay off from the wedding cake for a few weeks, and has taken up strolling instead of flying.
Just another day at VaalNest.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


2010! Finally, it’s here!

It’s the year for me to purchase a vuvuzela (gold-plated, of course) and learn to play soccer. I can only hope that David Beckham chooses my VaalNest Boutique Hotel to reside in during his stay in South Africa.

I, His Royal Highness King Reginald Casper the Third, am also looking forward to the “Round the Island Yacht Race” in Deneysville on the first weekend in February. This event holds a Guinness World Record!

Please do book your stay with my competent staff at 0163721075.