Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve! My tail feathers have been gelled and glittered and I even donned a cute Santa Claus outfit tailored especially with my unique physical features in mind. I am King Reginald Casper the Third – affectionately known to my dear friends as ‘that most handsome Reggie’, and tonight I wear my bling-bling crown with such regal aplomb that Queen Elizabeth texted me for a gold imprint of my middle tail feather to hang on her boudoir wall.
The beautiful countess Fanny Flamenco and my dear old mate Pelicanus Rufescens are joining me for a gastronomic feast this evening. We will probably be hanging from the chandeliers before long, I know, so I had better open my presents while I am still flying straight. Eh, the brandy pudding is a bit potent...
The festive season is all about laughter, goodwill and cheer. That is exactly what I wish upon each and every one of you. Have a jolly good Christmas with your loved ones, and do think about those who are less fortunate than you.

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